B.T.O.D (Be The One Dance Crew), A Dance group made from the champions of "2020捷運盃街舞大賽首屆MVP夢想隊的街舞舞者 (2020 Metro Street Dance Competition) ". Found Spark to create/produce two songs: the main theme song《SB的逆襲》for the 2022 Taipei Metro Street Dance Competition, and《還有 你的笑容》for the 2022 Kaohsiung Cijin International Beer Carnival.
2022. 6. 20
Tech: Ableton, Logic, Synth design software, Distance record technologies, RX7, Mastering Program
B.T.O.D《SB的逆襲》feat.Spark 皇毅 是由街舞偶像男團B.T.O.D與嘻哈創作歌手Spark共同創造,Spark編曲製作, 由於Spark遠在美國唸書,礙於疫情只能透過網路兩方線上溝通及錄音,反而創造出一種努力完成一種艱鉅任務的使命感,如同這首歌所傳遞的一種努力向上的正面訊息!更如同SB就是一群為街舞努力付出的年輕人,不畏艱難,不畏流言攻擊,只為了一個目標,就是努力被大家看見,被大眾接受,這就是街舞競賽的精神!也要用這首歌鼓勵所有有夢想的人們!這樣的節奏更是街舞可以廣泛編舞的經典設計,相信可以得到所有街舞好手的認同與喜愛! 這就是 SB的逆襲。 這也是獻給所有為自己努力的年輕人們的歌曲!
B.T.O.D x Spark collaborated and released the main 2020 Metro Street Dance Competition theme song ---《SB的逆襲》. Spark started writing this song in January 2021, which took a long time to release since it was edited multiple times for various reasons, such as btod members leaving the group and Spark leaving Taiwan for college. This song was designed and divided into solo parts to show off each member's dance techniques and flow. Spark has typically designed the beat to align with the choreography that B.T.O.D wants to create.
The meaning behind the word SB is "stupid" in Chinese, however, it's also the initials of Spark and B.T.O.D, which we decided to use this homophonic to show that we are not afraid of difficulties, haters, or even gossip attacks.
Behind this song was a lot of hard work since it contains over 100 tracks, and Spark is studying in the United States, so he can only communicate and record sessions online through the Internet using the plugin listento transmitter, which creates a sense of mission to accomplish a difficult task, just like the positive message of hard work conveyed by this song!
作詞Lyricist:B.T.O.D、Spark 皇毅
作曲Composer:B.T.O.D、Spark 皇毅
編曲Arrangement:Spark 皇毅
製作人Producer:Spark 皇毅
錄音師 Recording Engineer:楊恢宇 G.B、Spark 皇毅
錄⾳室Recording Studio:無限延伸錄音室、ROLE PRODUCTION 帝位影音製作錄音室
混音師Mixing Engineer:Spark 皇毅
混音室Mixing Studio:ROLE PRODUCTION 帝位影音製作錄音室
母帶後期處理Mastering Engineer:ROLE PRODUCTION 帝位影音製作錄音室
母帶後期處理混音室Mastering Studio:ROLE PRODUCTION 帝位影音製作錄音室

"還有 你的笑容"
"And Your Smile"
2022. 7. 21
Tech: Ableton, Logic, Synth design software, Distance record technologies, Mastering Program
最強唱跳街舞男團「B.T.O.D」,特地為這次「高雄旗津啤酒嘉年華」創作主題曲《還有 你的笑容》,因為高雄的熱情,讓高雄成為全台灣最適合喝啤酒的地方,加上高雄的朋友總是保持著笑容,因此在第一次的海上舞台演出後,B.T.O.D就對於高雄有一種非常感念的情懷,並藉由這次機會將他們的歌聲再次獻給高雄。
這次,也在「宋江大好」之後,B.T.O.D再度為高雄寫下主題歌曲,繼續書寫他們與高雄的故事。《還有 你的笑容》以輕快、電音的旋律搭配朗朗上口的歌詞,讓喝啤酒成為一件時尚又快樂的事,再搭配「你的笑容」,就是每天最快樂的時光!
這次MV更首度展現團員於沙灘上玩樂的真實笑容,更邀請高雄在地好朋友DJ 妖嬌一同參與MV拍攝,與擁有陽光笑容的團員「子賢」上演充滿粉紅色泡泡浪漫氛圍的戲碼,讓整部作品更添歡樂氣息。
B.T.O.D., the best singing dance group. Found Spark to compose the main theme song "And Your Smile" for Kaohsiung Cijin International Beer Festival. The warmth of Kaohsiung makes it the most suitable place for drinking beer in Taiwan. B.T.O.D has a great feeling for Kaohsiung after the first sea stage performance.
The song "And Your Smile" has a light and upbeat melody that goes along with catchy lyrics, making drinking beer a fashionable and happy thing. Which illustrates the "Your Smile," when drinking the beer makes it the happiest time of the day!
編曲Arrangement:Spark 皇毅
製作人Producer:Spark 皇毅
錄音師 Recording Engineer:楊恢宇 G.B | Spark 皇毅
錄音室 Recording Studio:無限延伸錄音室 | ROLE PRODUCTION 帝位影音製作錄音室
混音師Mixing Engineer:Spark 皇毅
混音室Mixing Studio:ROLE PRODUCTION 帝位影音製作錄音室
母帶後期處理Mastering Engineer:ROLE PRODUCTION 帝位影音製作錄音室
母帶後期處理混音室Mastering Studio:ROLE PRODUCTION 帝位影音製作錄音室
B.T.O.D x Spark
B.T.O.D x Spark

B.T.O.D《SB的逆襲》(feat.Spark 皇毅)Official Music Video(2022捷運盃街舞大賽主題曲)

B.T.O.D《還有 你的笑容》Official Music Video(2022高雄旗津啤酒嘉年華主題曲)
B.T.O.D x Spark Behind the scene
B.T.O.D x Spark Behind the scene

BTOD x Spark Behind the scene

BTOD x Spark Behind the scene