Performing Arts Technology & Arts
Spark studied performing arts technology at the University of Michigan since 2018 where he learned, researched, and created several projects that showcased knowledge and skills in this professional field.
Interactive Media Design
Tech: Arduino, Max, Circuits, Sensors.
3D printer. Illustrator, Indesign
Learned basic tools and techniques for physical computing. Researched how human interacts with digital systems and how those systems response to our behaviors. Simple electronic circuits, sensors, Arduino, microcontrollers, LED and LCD displays, and the interactive audiovisual programming environment Max are the main focus of this study Aside from this, I gain skills with sketching and developed the aesthetic to design interactive systems. which ultimately lead to my eyeglass midi controller.
Notable Projects: Prototype 4 (eyeglass music controller), The Dung (Audio Game designed based on Arduino and max)... check below!